Wellsite & other services
- Ambient Air Gas Monitoring
- Software Development
- Realtime Drilling Data Visualization (GEOWellVIS™)
- Mudgas Isotope Logging (MGIL)
- Experienced Personnel
- Research & Development
Monitoring of flamable & toxic gases
A great hazard while drilling is the occurrence of explosive and/or toxic gases (i.a. H2S, methane). It is our task to monitor this occurrence at the drilling site (and nearby production sites) continuously and in case of appearance (i.a. LEL for methane) automatically trigger an alarm (visual & accoustic).
For this purpose we are providing a range of gas detectors (all Ex-rated) from reliable brands (i.a. Draeger™, MSA™):
- LEL (for different hydrocarbons and H2)
- H2S
- SO2
- Mercury vapor
Monitoring of other gases
Beside the above mentioned gases we are able to provide following kind of gas detectors:
- CO2
- CO
- O2
Portable gas detectors
We are able to provide our personnel with portable gas detectors for their own saftey:
- SO2
- H2S
- multiwarn devices (i.a. O2, LEL, H2S and CO)
Drilling Monitoring System
Since 1978 GEO-data developes user-friendly software for the drilling industry, which goes beyond the basic sampling service. We have developed an open, modular-designed comprehensive system for data acquisition, processing, data transfer, encrypted archiving, and visualization has been developed. This system inlcudes the acquisition of 3rd party data (i.a. rig data, MWD, cementing and more), the acquisition of data from our equipment, bi-directional data exchange between other 3rd party companies, data transfer in realtime to our datacenter and input of geological/obervational data. Furthermore, a realtime connection from the clients‘ side to all data is available via secured internet connection.
The reporting & cost breakdown program GEOWellReport™ is developed to meet the demands of the DSV with regards to daily reporting and daily cost control on the drilling site. A specialized office version of GEOWellReport™ enables the user to export to Genesis 2000 and MS-Excel. Both versions features special evaluation routines (pie charts, cost versus depth etc…) to keep a close look on all cost generating items, services and materials.
Data is generally entered in a worksheet, very much like a spreadsheet. For the more complex items, customized dialogs (e.g. type of operation, drill string, chemicals) are in place. There is no limit to the number of entries. E.g., entering any number of drill string assemblies with any number of sections is possible. A context-sensitive help function is available in every dialog. Units are automatically recognized during input, and the relevant par1ameter is automatically displayed in the last used unit. The currency can be freely defined and changed at any time, with manually entered currency exchange rates to give you the highest flexibility. Subsequently, all previously entered reports can either be displayed in the new currency or optionally remain in the old currency. A full suite of items can be automatically evaluated. These evaluation routines are initiated through drop-down lists with pre-defined selections. This enables the program, for example, to perform statistical analyses of operations. If possible a plausibility check of all entries is performed to catch illogical entries. With the report locking an error list comes up if necessary, to point out wrong or missing entries.
The realtime drilling data visualization GEOWellVIS™ of GEO-data, allows the display of all drilling & surface logging related parameters (e.g. WOB, WOH, SPM, TQ, gas readings, etc.) optional as numerical value, curve, tachometer, volume, traffic light, counter and text. The display uses any modern browser (e.g. chrome, firefox, edge) and is independent of the operating system. The compilation of individual modules is completely individual and freely configurable by the user. The user can use desktop computers, tablets or smartphones as end-user device.
In the browser application, data export to Excel, LAS 3.0 or CSV is possible at any time, parameter compositions and resolution can be saved as a templates.
Mudgas Isotope Logging (MGIL)
The MGIL technique provides detailed downhole isotopic logging and delivers to the geoscientist unprecedented geochemical perspective on the geological environment and information about the hydrocarbon sources and accumulation/filling history.
MGIL information had been shown to provide short- to medium-term direct benefits to exploration and production and is inexpensive and easily accommodated on drilling rigs. Most importantly, MGIL sampling of mud gases while drilling provides an inexpensive insurance against unforeseen drilling problems that may result in a lost hole or prevention of subsequent logging. Furthermore a typical “fingerprint” could be obtained which could be used to identify leakages and to differentiate biogenic formed methane from thermogenic formed methane (preservation of evidence).
In a business where economics is the benchmark of decision MGIL maximizes information obtained from each well and assists in developing accurate exploration and production prognoses in a basin for future prospects by correlation of the isotope-geochemical data with data of productive wells.
The MGIL technique samples the same gas stream from which conventional mud gases are analyzed. The technique was developed to use existing onsite mudlogging equipment and technology. Therefore, only few new or additional hardware is required other than a sampling manifold or a selection of several plastic tubings and fittings. The gas is sampled from the mudlogging gas flow line using e.g. IsoTubes or other gas-tight sample vessels.
Mudgas Isotope Data
Stabel carbon isotopes provide critical additional data in gas exploration projects (i.a. shale gas) and for production data to:
- Identify exploration targets
- Identify frac/completion zones
- Monitor production (production allocation) to both optimize production of a well and to optimize completions in future production wells in target area
Isotopes provide critical additional data for conventional wells:
- Maturity and Type of HC kitchen
Environmental monitoring:
Experienced Personnel
The core of our services are the highly experienced and qualified mudlogging engineers. The job of a mudlogger is demanding and a proper understanding of the whole drilling process is expected from our clients. Beside the demanding technicial understanding, the mudloggers are experienced in lithological description, formation evaulation and interpretation of all surface parameters related to rig operations. Professional trainings (in-house and external) as well as a lot of experience qualify our staff for the necessary on- and offshore operations. Dedicated HSE&Q training, IWCF training at the German school of drillmasters and special trainign courses for e.g. pore pressure evaluation, IWCF level 2 are part of our staff’s qualification.
According to the project and client`s demands we offer:
- mudlogging engineers, data engineers, sample catcher
- geo lab assistants, geo technicians
- certified geologists, logging-engineers
- geosteering geologists, wellsite geologists, OPS geologists
- assistant drilling technicians (ADT)
- pressure evaluation engineers, data engineers
Research & Development
All members of the GEO-data group constantly strife to provide safer and more efficient services to all of our customers. Together with our customers we try to develop new services. Our small but effective R & D team welcomes new ideas and is ready to test, develop, evolve and implement these ideas into new services. Currently we are working on following:
- digital calcimetry
- more efficient degassing system of the mud
- new data acquisition & processing system